Take Back The Power
Take Back the Power is for you if you have a passion to work together to challenge an injustice which affects you. Young people are employed and trained to deepen their understanding of social issues, and supported to take the actions they want to achieve positive change.
Violence against Women of Colour
In 2021, Take Back the Power young researchers chose to explore young women of colour’s experience of gender-based violence. They talked to young people, survivors, professionals and grassroots groups to unearth unheard voices and to platform different perspectives. The research was launched on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in November 2022. Take Back the Power will explore how to take forward some of the recommendations in the report.
You can read their research report here
In 2017, Take Back the Power researchers created a zine about being young working-class, people of colour in the education system. They held a day of workshops and performances for young people and educators about how to challenge racism in schools. You can download their zine here:
In 2018, our Take Back the Power team of organisers and researchers worked together to explore the root cause of violence against young people, and to identify solutions from young people’s perspective . You can listen to their podcast, and download their Call To Action with 10 Solutions to end the violence here:

Introducing…. the Power Circle
In 2019 & 2020, Take Back the Power Young Organisers created, tested and built safe, healing spaces for young people called Power Circles. They are led by young people for young people, with the lived experience of the issue they want to discuss. Contact us on Instagram or on the email addresses below if you are youth-led group and would like to know more.

Follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
Want to be a part of Take Back The Power?
Each year, the Take Back the Power team is recruited in Autumn, and the programme runs until Spring. Whether you are one of the organisers or not we would love to hear from you if you would like to be involved!
Please fill in your details (including your age) using the form below and we will add you to our mailing list for up to date news on events, actions, debates, trainings, workshops and other opportunities that will be happening throughout the year!
16-25 year olds