We’ve employed people living on local estates to ask other residents what they want personally and from the local area. Together you’ve given your ideas for how your neighbourhood can be a great place to live and grow up on.

One of the biggest themes that came out of these questions was that people want to be more connected to their neighbours. You noticed things like older residents are isolated and that green spaces could be improved so everyone can use them.

Through the North Camden Zone, the Winch will make sure the people’s voices are heard and ideas become real. We’ll connect residents with local charities, housing and health professionals. We want to change the whole system around you to make a difference in the long term.  

A lot of what we’re doing here is completely new so not everything will work first time. We have the freedom to see if something works and if it doesn’t, we’ll try something else. But we won’t stop trying to make the changes you want to see. 

To see our previous work and upcoming pro projects click here.